selected work

work it, babe.

Building the arts of the future

Shaping systems to uplift people

Shaping systems to uplift people

Unlocking knowledge to every kid | coming soon

Pioneering with safe queer spaces | coming soon

Pioneering with safe queer spaces | coming soon

Collaborated with

Musea Bekennen Kleur, The Black Archives, Queer Haarlem, Karibu, Are We Europe Agency, What You See Festival, Simon Buijs, Wiltgroei, Academie voor Beeldvorming, De Metselarij, Rocher Koendjbiharie, Ulrike Quade Company, Social Enterprise NL, Woonoproer, Haarlem Town Queers, Municipality of Amsterdam, Impact Hub Global, BIJ1, Pepijn Keppel, Starters, Ashoka, Woonoproer, Municipality of Rotterdam, David van Dartel, Gula Gula Food Forest.

Having an identity crisis?

We feel you. Just let NelNel do the magic and translate your core values into juicy designs.